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is there gonna be unbirthing?

There already is unbirthing ^-^

will there be player pred?

(1 edit)

All I can say is a big maybe. It is possible. But then it will be a long time away

also what gender is the player? i havent gotten far cause i havent had a good chance

The protagonist is male

Deleted 132 days ago

10 does sound a bit low to be honest. I'm pretty sure that it is 20 that you need

Deleted 132 days ago

hello i have a little problem with soraya UB his sunday morning but the option not appear and i already have the relationship on 64 what can i do


Soraya's UB route i something that is added first in the 0.9 version. That version is an early access, available to those that are subscribers on the higher tier.

(1 edit)

mmm okay so i need to wait the version 0.9 come out to try it? because i cant buy any suscription or hightier :C so i be patience thx you

Deleted 132 days ago

Your save files should show up when you switch versions. Though it's not always recommended to use the old saves. Sometimes it can break the game in strange ways when doing so.

Deleted 202 days ago


hell no

Deleted 202 days ago

Is there an actual way to unlock Mal0?? I see her in the main menu but nowhere in game.


There is no way to unlock Mal0 yet. She has not been put into the game.

When do you plan on adding her? v0.10? I'm guessing when she's implemented into the game the way to find her will be through the corrupted phone at Amanda's lab?

The corrupted phone will indeed be the way to get to her, or her to get you.

As to when she will be added,  it's a bit hard to say as of right now. But it will be further away than 0.10.

Question: Can you get UB or AV with your wife?

The only option with Wendy at the moment is OV.


can i make a suggestion i suggest making a note guide of how to get to the vore routes and requirement that you'll need in order to get the any vore route they seek and the guide gets updated as well wherever you add or change in the game

There actually is a detailed guide written for the game that has been on the subscriber only discord.

Bugreport: When you choose Marlie's womb the texts and remarks still refer to her stomach.

If this is in relation to the scene of her in the club it's something that is known, and not a bug per say since its the only things written for that scene.

Otherwise, could you tell where this happens? Is it as soon as you make the choice or?

Yes, in the *Mating* scene after the bar: "... Marlies's stomach tighténs up around you"

Struggle texts:

When she sits in the bench at night:
."..let my stomach be your new home"

Minor one in the subway: "Still in one piece" (Unfitting for womb imo :P

I think that was all :D

Righty I will let the developer know about it. Not sure that it will get changed though until Marlie gets updated.

But thank you so much for pointing these out~ ^-^

Where do I find Roxanne? Also is the gym incomplete?

You need to visit the gym ate mid day or somthing like that - Roxanne is there 

Roxanne is only available in the gym in the mornings. The gym is complete for now. It might change if Roxanne gets updated.

How do you raise Amanda's affection 


You need to buy gifts from Marlie (Micros jar, small prey) and then give it to Amanda. Then with her vore scenes you can get small amounts of affection by talking to her.

(1 edit)

I think the interest of serin is buggy it didn't stop at 100  


This is something that has happened to a few of the girls. I believe that it has been fixed in one of the upcoming versions. Though going over 100 shouldn't do anything bad for the game itself.

Is it possible to raise Roxy's interest in this version of the game, or will this be done in the future?

(If possible, then how?)


Roxanne's affection is the only one that can't be raised as the game is now. She was one of the first characters to be put into the game, long before the relationship system was added. She will get a bit of an overhaul in the future to add the possibility to raise her affection.



We always need more of those, right? ^-^

Unbirth options??

Those too. And there will be more coming.

Alright, I'll be looking forward to the next update then, and while I'm here I have two questions,

1: When is the next update expected to come out (That's just my impatient ADHD brain needing more lewd content)

2: Is  the only way into your discord through a subscription?

It is too early from the previous release to be able to give an approximation as to when the next one will come.

And yeah, since it's a discord for the subscribers with early access to the game and other content.

(1 edit)

i would recommend to for us to able to increase our other stats besides intelligence since intelligence is already unlocked not to mention campus is still wip

For now, none of the stats do anything and are in the game as placeholders for when that system comes out. It is the same with the campus.

i have a question, there is any new vore scenes in this update?

(1 edit)

There is not. This update was more focused on introducing Resi and making a new place on the island that you can stay. Plus the new time and date system that will be a big part of the game in the upcoming updates.

The next update will have more vore for you ^-^

I tried to change the save so as not to go through the same thing again and watch new content, but even after confirmation it does not start (a bug or the creator’s intention?)

(2 edits)

Some values of the game are vital. Changing them will/won't cause issues, it's pretty much like a Pandora box.
I'm also planning to add something that will help the player to have a decent start or the ability to manipulate things with a cost to balance the game ^w^

how do I get soraya to not be mad at me after being loud?

Give her a gift and then return the next day and she should be back to her old self.

I also cant find Amanda 

To find Amanda you need to get eaten by Amy. Then talk to her, and she will tell you about and give the location of Amanda's lab.

I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get the pills restocked, could someone please explain it to me?

The growth pill and shrink pill has not been implemented into the game yet. They are there in Amanda's shop as a placeholder until they are put into the game.


ah, okay thanks, i was so damn confused, cause I thought it meant that i just had to pass until they unlocked themselves

So I noticed that once you get to being digested it crashes, is it still being fixed?


It is something that have been fixed. Have you downloaded the new files since it was?

oh I did actually thank you


Hey, I'm not sure if your new version works with Android, it downloads but doesn't open or even install, am I something wrong or is mobile just broken/abandoned now?

same thing happen to me but download this from firefox it will work


The android version is in the zip archive that you download. Due to the individual versions becoming a size that couldn't be uploaded normally through Itch. A separate application was needed to be used, and the decision was made to put them in a All in One zip archive. So the .apk file needs to be extracted from the archive and then run to install the game.

Ah, ok, thanks for the help!


First of all, congratulations for creating a wonderful furry and vore game that I have never seen a game like this, and I also greatly respect your work as a developer in being able to read, respond and listen to the ideas of your beloved audience or rather community that you have created with nothing more to say I hope a lot from this game in the future and that you also have prosperity in your life, I wish I could play the most current version to see what spectacular things it contains. “I'm sorry if my English is not good as it is not my strong point.”  

(A big greeting from Mexico) :D


Thank you so much >w<

I can't change the language in the settings, or is it just that it doesn't work on the mobile version? (greetings from Russia)

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey there~

As it is now, the game is only available in english. It's first when the game is nearing it's completion that translations might be put in. So for now those options are a placeholder

understood, thanks for the information

Mobile version again when?

(1 edit)

The mobile version is available. Pc, mac and android versions are in a All in One zip file as of now.


У меня проблема, Эми не появляется на пляже, от слова совсем, я час ходил туда, но она так и не появилась, у неё теперь какой то шанс появления есть?

Hope this get translated in the right way.

На круизном лайнере вы можете организовать мероприятие с Эми, когда зайдете в свой номер. Но ваши отношения с ней должны быть на достаточно высоком уровне. В настоящее время вы не можете посетить ее дом, так как он еще не реализован.

Ясненько, чтож, буду дальше ждать, когда её дом откроют 

how i get the cat lady to vore me? or the ticket lady?

Vezess have no other interactions than you buying the ticket from her.

The addition to Resi was more to get to know her, and somewhere that you can stay that isn't the hotel.

so more you know her she will vore you?

The option to get vored by her shows up in the 0.8.2 update

dang it

how do I open a closed location?

The locations that are closed are not made to be open until there is content for them. The closed locations that you see are placeholders for the time being.

Thanks for responding, I mean the location with the snake lab

Aah, right. Sorry. You need to get vored by Amy and then when talking to her she will tell you.



hope you fix fast because once we all have the white screen we have quit


Sowwy >w<
It's fixed now. I've uploaded the wrong version of 0.8.1

alot of broken stuff in this one pal goodend for mosty eveyone broken 


The developer has been notified and is working on getting it fixed.

ScriptError: could not find label 'wendy_goodend'.

It seems the scripts for the final absorption scenes are broken

The developer has been notified and is working on getting it fixed.


Does this happen in the Android version of the game?

I'm unsure if it's on my end but anytime I'd loose all of my health in the game it would crash 

With every scenario (expect UB of course)  it doesn't matter if it's a brand new save or not and not even mobile or desktop 

Both crash no matter what

The developer has been notified and is working on getting it fixed.

The game is good. There are several suggestions. So far, as I see it, it is impossible to change your main girlfriend, I hope that it is planned in the future. At night, you can also impose something like a curfew, which will lead to a chance meeting with some policeman. And it would be cool if the the main character could get excited (Sorry, I'm writing through a translator)


In a future update it will be made so that Wendy isn't your girlfriend in the beginning. And I believe that there are plans to implement so that you will be able to choose a partner.

I will bring the other suggestions to the developer ^-^


Thx. <3 Maybe I’ll subscribe to boosty someday, just duplicate it please



Yeah Baby! That’s what I’ve been waiting for!

(2 edits) (+2)


*I may have downloaded something wrong But It gives me a file error whenever I get a game over. Great game though

the same thing is happening to me.

I will take a look at it, and bring it up with the developer.


next update plz the waiting killing me


It is on it's way very soon

Where 0.9V?


Version 0.9 will be some time away since 0.8.1 & 0.8.2 will be released to the public before it.

im questioning the rng, i have been trying to get amy to eat me on the cruise but each time i get on the cruise i either she's full or i search the same room twice.


Unfortunately I will have to make you disappointed, but there is no event on the cruise where Amy eats you. The only special event you can find is if she visits your room when you go to it. I don't know if you need a certain relationship level for it to happen though.

The next update will be on 8/8?

I'm sorry to say, but I actually can not deny or confirm this.


Я буквально мем с кингпином который нажимает ручку в ожидании новой версии

(1 edit) (+2)

Надеюсь, вам не придется долго ждать.

Hope that sounds right.



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