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how much affection from soraya do you need for the ub scene?

You need 60 in relationship level. But her UB route is not added until the 0.9 update.


how much affection from marlie do you need for the ub scene?


You need 50 to unlock it.

(1 edit)

Question: How long is the time between releases on subscribe and here?
I am willing to pay but sadly cannot use subscribestar cuz i dont have a credit card (here in germany, a credit card is the exception from the norm). 


Well, as soon as a new version is released on the early access, a new version is also released here. So no time difference, just which version.

(1 edit)

That is what i mean because i see that the subscripstarler have version 0.9.1, right ? 
So when the next version hits there 0.9.2 and beyond, 9.1. is added here?

There are two subscription tiers. Those in the higher tier have access to 0.9.1, and the lower 0.9. So when 0.9.2 gets released, 0.9 will become available here.

Ok, I just wanna say a few things, 1: Can you please separate the downloads? It takes way too long to download all of them when realistically I only need one, and 2: Has Android been abandoned? Because I can't find that download.

Hi ^w^
1. The game is more than 1GB so doesn't let me upload them like before.
2. The Android of V0.8.2 is corrupted while packing the game, I have problems with windows11 during this time so I have to remove it from download.

I see, well any chance you can find a way to fix the mobile version?


Unfortunately the 0.8.2 android version will not be able to be fixed. Since the development of the game has gone through two more versions it is not possible to go back and make a new file of the older ones. Sorry about that.

I see, well at least it was fun while it lasted, I hope development continues.

(1 edit) (+1)

Development is continuing. And the android version will be available again in the next version, 0.9

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pc version doesn't work for me, says : windows cannot complet the extraction. the destination file could not be created.

I'm just tested and it works fine to me ^w^ (I'm using winrar)


it ended up working, not sure what was the problem, the game is great :-)

Yay ^w^

How can I progress with a snake girl about the phone thing?


The corrupted phone is not anything that is available as of yet. It is just a placeholder for now.

For the sake of a small update, wait so many days...
(1 edit) (+3)

V0.9.1 on 

This 0.8.2 just clear fix for future
Everyone needs to live on something, although it’s a little disappointing that you still have to wait


It's better to wait twice as long, but for the sake of big updates



what should I do if the Android version doesn't work?

I'm having the same problem but I can also see that the build is 0.7 in the description.

you're right

The Android version has the same issue as V0.8.1. Those should be fixed in V0.9 now because I've not received any problem with it

Just a question if you have an old save file will it update?

(2 edits)

Should be save-compatible. A new game is recommended but not required unless you encounter a problem

okay thanks I also found that if you have Amy UB you, you can't escape(I was in her womb for three day not counting the first day)

(1 edit)

so im getting screwed by mega.... the download stuff is overquoted.

I really love this game. but i cant access it at all..

Its because I reached MY download limit...


Did you download all of them? You just need to download the version you play OwO

I accidentally installed the mac version of game... I have windows. So it was operator error on my end

usely there a version click on it

why cant i download it? it just shows notepad

There is a link in notepad, you can copy and paste that link to get the game

I love the VN and I want more asap! so when will the next update be coming?


The new update is just around the corner. So you don't have to wait all that much longer now

that's good to hear! and how do you get the grow and shrink pills then?

They are not yet available and are just there as placeholders for now

Как переключить на русский язык?

As it is now, the game is only available in english. It's first when the game is nearing it's completion that translations might be put in. So for now those options are a placeholder

lowkey, in the main menu you should add a scene select option where you can just enjoy seeing the scene(no money gain, no hp lost(optional, no stamina lost(optional), just to see what the scene looks like.)

A scene gallery might not be something that gets added since it is easy to go back and do the scenes over, for most of them at least.


This is a really great game. I've been playing it since its release and I'm really looking forward to seeing what you'll continue to offer us. And know that you also have admirers of your work in Brazil.


Glad to hear that you are enjoying the game and have been following it for so long. Hopefully soon there will be more content  for you to to have fun with.

Thank you so much for your support~


I'm having problems with extracting the files and downloading the Android version cuz of parse error


I'm sorry for this, the Android version is bugged atm ^w^

(1 edit) (+1)

do you think you can split the files next update? 

Waiting for the release my vore sanity: 🚅🚋🚋🚋


There might be a solution for that going forward.


Thanks (≧▽≦)


I have a question becouse i remeber seeing a bear and dog girl on you're deviantart will you  add them?


There are many characters on the Deviant Art that won't be in the game. Hard to say which or who might be put in. But there are ideas in the works.

It takes so long to wait for at least some news, interest is fading before our eyes, the project feels half-abandoned(
Even the comments have thinned out


I’m working on the game. Due to the amount of real-life work and the many times my boss sends me abroad, progress is slow, but the game is still alive ^w^


You are a miracle, I'm glad that you can combine development and work


And you are amazing >w<
Thank you and have a great day/night, stay safe! ^w^

Jeez, working full-time and some of it being abroad is crazy time consuming. Impressed that you keep up with it so well!

Hey, I know you probably get this question too much already, especially from me, but when is the next update planned?

(4 edits)

The question does shows up a bit every now and then. But it makes it known that there are people excited about the game.

Unfortunately the next update have been a bid delayed due to reasons beyond our control. And because of that I can't really speculate on how far away the update is. But it is being worked on as fast as possible.

how to I got one of the endings? I can't find any of them.


As the game is not a story driven one, but instead is more of an open world experience, there is no ending to the game per se. 

oh thanks, my apologies, I saw people talking about a ending, guess they was talking about something else.

btw, are any plans to when you guys going to release the new update? cuz I'm truly truly excited for the content that is coming.


Ah, right. What they are talking about is when you get digested and sent to Pyra. It's being referenced as ends.

I really can't give a estimate of when the next update will come out due to some unforeseen delays.


Thanks a lot. Well, in that case I got all of them so far, eheh. Thanks a lot for the help. Wish you a wonderful week.
Also, Thanks a lot, just got a bit ecxited for the future stuff, hope you guys can keep with the good work. Wish you all a lot of happiness.

the game does not allow you to choose another language, they are there, but there is no way to choose any of them


As it is now, the game is only available in english. It's first when the game is nearing it's completion that translations might be put in. So for now those options are a placeholder


Я пытаюсь пилить перевод на Русский, но особо времени нет

and how to make a game in Russian?

next update?

The goal is to have the next update out in not that long time. But I also have to say that it will be done when it's done. So no exact date at this moment.


This Game is amazing


Thank you so much. Glad that you like it ^-^

Deleted 109 days ago

In the current public release Soraya does not have an unbirth option. It is something that is added in the 0.9 release.

Deleted 109 days ago

Resi's next parts and the unbirth with her will come in 0.8.2.

0.9 will feature a new intro to the game, a big rework on Wendy, and Soraya's UB path.

The newest version of the android build still has the same issues in some parts of the game that happened before the scenes on desktop were fixed

The bad end and Good end for characters on Android still seem to have the issue

I know my build is up to date because I updated it and checked again and Still encountered the problem

Did you make a fresh install of it? Or did you let the app update on top of a already existing install?


I did it both when 0.8.1 came out at first 

And now (when encountering the bug)

And did you download version 2 with the bug fixes?


Hmm... Well I did some testing on the latest 0.8.1 build. But was not able to find anything wrong with the ends. So I'm not sure at this moment why you are running into this problem since it have been patched.

is there gonna be unbirthing?

There already is unbirthing ^-^

will there be player pred?

(1 edit)

All I can say is a big maybe. It is possible. But then it will be a long time away

also what gender is the player? i havent gotten far cause i havent had a good chance

The protagonist is male

Deleted 109 days ago

10 does sound a bit low to be honest. I'm pretty sure that it is 20 that you need

Deleted 109 days ago

hello i have a little problem with soraya UB his sunday morning but the option not appear and i already have the relationship on 64 what can i do


Soraya's UB route i something that is added first in the 0.9 version. That version is an early access, available to those that are subscribers on the higher tier.

(1 edit)

mmm okay so i need to wait the version 0.9 come out to try it? because i cant buy any suscription or hightier :C so i be patience thx you

Deleted 109 days ago

Your save files should show up when you switch versions. Though it's not always recommended to use the old saves. Sometimes it can break the game in strange ways when doing so.

Deleted 180 days ago


hell no

Deleted 180 days ago

Is there an actual way to unlock Mal0?? I see her in the main menu but nowhere in game.


There is no way to unlock Mal0 yet. She has not been put into the game.

When do you plan on adding her? v0.10? I'm guessing when she's implemented into the game the way to find her will be through the corrupted phone at Amanda's lab?

The corrupted phone will indeed be the way to get to her, or her to get you.

As to when she will be added,  it's a bit hard to say as of right now. But it will be further away than 0.10.

Question: Can you get UB or AV with your wife?

The only option with Wendy at the moment is OV.


can i make a suggestion i suggest making a note guide of how to get to the vore routes and requirement that you'll need in order to get the any vore route they seek and the guide gets updated as well wherever you add or change in the game

There actually is a detailed guide written for the game that has been on the subscriber only discord.

Bugreport: When you choose Marlie's womb the texts and remarks still refer to her stomach.

If this is in relation to the scene of her in the club it's something that is known, and not a bug per say since its the only things written for that scene.

Otherwise, could you tell where this happens? Is it as soon as you make the choice or?

Yes, in the *Mating* scene after the bar: "... Marlies's stomach tighténs up around you"

Struggle texts:

When she sits in the bench at night:
."..let my stomach be your new home"

Minor one in the subway: "Still in one piece" (Unfitting for womb imo :P

I think that was all :D

Righty I will let the developer know about it. Not sure that it will get changed though until Marlie gets updated.

But thank you so much for pointing these out~ ^-^

Where do I find Roxanne? Also is the gym incomplete?

You need to visit the gym ate mid day or somthing like that - Roxanne is there 

Roxanne is only available in the gym in the mornings. The gym is complete for now. It might change if Roxanne gets updated.

How do you raise Amanda's affection 


You need to buy gifts from Marlie (Micros jar, small prey) and then give it to Amanda. Then with her vore scenes you can get small amounts of affection by talking to her.

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I think the interest of serin is buggy it didn't stop at 100  


This is something that has happened to a few of the girls. I believe that it has been fixed in one of the upcoming versions. Though going over 100 shouldn't do anything bad for the game itself.

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