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how can i get more amanda relationships?

The way to increase Amanda's affection is by giving her gifts that you buy from Marlie.

oo i see how about roxanne?

Roxanne's affection can at this moment not be increased at all. She was put into the game before the relationship feature and hasn't gotten an update for it yet.

lol i download Apk and play it on Pc android emulator

That amazing update to the Anthro Dragoness! i loved her, i think after u being eated by all available characters your should be allow to ask the Dragoness to her keep you, then she advise be soul digested is game over, and if you accept be game over and the dragon Anthro god be fatten up!

I has been hinted  that sometime in the future Pyra might actually make true of her words to keep you to herself. How and in what way that will play out will be very interesting to see.

is pretty interesting, i will support to see that

Thank you guys very much for your kind words >w<

idea: add a item you can buy from Amanda that allows you to not take damage for the current vore frame your on(like a pill or something like that)

Great idea, thank you ^w^

i sec that

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amazing idea, as u win 100 moneys to keep alive whole day, if every anti acid pills take around 25 moneys, it allow u to live to days and wins 200 (that is 150 moneys, stonks and make that croc surprised how many u take so long)

i can't play the game cause it doesn't have the windows or apple, etc options to choose from! can you fix it?

I just had a look at the download page, and the pc, mac and android versions are all there and were possible for me to download.

Which link is the Android supported version if you know?


It is the one furthest down. The .apk file link.

Saviena is right, PC can be played on windows ^w^

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simple suggestion, for when pyra asks if your ready to go home you should give the option of saying no and basically its like any other scene in the game where they do stuff while your in their womb/stomach/anus.

Noted, thank you for your suggestion ^w^

may I ask, is it even possible to increase Roxanne's Relation because I've tried everything and it's always at 0

There is currently no way to increase Roxanne's affection to you. I believe she was one of the first girls, and put in the game before the Relation feature was implemented and hasn't been rewritten yet, but should be in some future update.

Ok thx

pyra keeps saying that next time she'll keep me for herself yet she never does, it that unfinished or her teasing the player?(or something along those lines.)

That's a hint for future updates ^w^

Nice game, is the version on the newest ?

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It is not the latest version. 0.8.1 is currently the newest, and it's available to patreon and subscribestar backers.

um in the pubic version i have tickets and three new preds but cant do anything it still wip. why is it in the game if pubic cant play it yet?

The beach is not available in V0.7, also the three new preds

so basely they are in name but not there?

Yup ^w^

weird suggestion, but can you make it possible to get breast vore with marlie? i kinda got sad when i realized i couldnt get more than 100 relationship with her because that meant no breast vore, but ill understand if you dont do it(if you respond to this comment, which im doubting you will).

She has a small breast vore scene when you ask/buy an x-ray glasses from her ^w^
And of course, I may expand more in future :333

thank you for responding!!! also i actually meant for maybe a breast vore scene in general, but it would be nice for it to be the character that teases breast vore!

Also are there any future plans for Wendy? It'd be nice to have more options with her.

There will be a rewrite for Wendy in future ^w^

Where can I find Queen Pyra? or can I only get to her letting my hp drop to zero?

agreed it would level up the immersion of game when you like inside of their body places

It would definitely be something cool to have.

Yesss Internal shot please

can I ask how to improve Roxanne Relation

can you add internal shots where you're actually in their body instead of outside their body?

When life hits 0, I get hit with an error screen. I can ignore it but when I wake up back home im hit with a permanent error screen and have to either roll back or load up a previous save.

Okie, I've uploaded it again, should be fixed by now, thank you ^w^

Wow that was quick! thanks for the fix!

Actually I found another bug, I don't get an error screen anymore but the back ground images for pyras palace don't seem to load. I can play it like normal though

Roger that, it has been corrupted during the packing progress, fixed now ^w^

So I've been having some bugs with hitting 0 hp and cannot for the life of me find any links to a pateron or such to try and join the discord. Am I overlooking it somewhere? 

I have updated the description for links. Can you tell me more about those bugs?

There's two different downloads are they different ? i dont know

PC is for windows
Mac is for...Mac :3
apk is for Android ^w^

Ahhh good to know

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Can you share the discord link?

I think there's a bug on the gift when you give a gift and you only have 1 it will show give gift and it will go to negative numbers

Thank you very much ^w^
It has been fixed in v0.8

There's also another bug when you get out of the palace it shows a blackish screen because the image is missing

Yay new update :]

Please tell me what leveling up your relationships with Wendy, May and Sarah does and why Sarah didn't have the chance to be unbirth

How can you scape from roxane??

Updated 1 minute ago? Lol, I just visited this site and saw an update

One of the best free vore text games and it's already good I will definitely play it even tho I am already done by having everyone on lvl 50 hehe

Absolutely briliant little game. Love the images. Is the game still being updated because I'm interested in the WIP areas.

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Are there any options for buying the game from countries where the payment card is blocked? (I use a translator, there may be inaccuracies)

It's free, no need to buy :3

I'm talking about patreon

You can visit subscribestar as an alt of patreon :3

Sorry for my question, but when do you want to make an update?

Thais game IS really good but i woud like to have some prays for me too, i am the only one who never eat someone, so can you make our chracter a pred too?

Really good work on this, love the art style and can see this game going far. keep up the good work

Thank you very much, have a great day ^w^

Do you have any plans to add a futa content?

Maybe? Depend on the poll in Discord ^w^

How can you get the growth pill and other items from Amanda?

no way yet, it will be available in the next updates

I’d love to play this, but alas, I have the wrong devices.

my relationship with Soraya is -1... Why? '^'

She is angry because you making noise in the library :3

update soon plz dont tease us


what that mean?

Only criticism i have at this stage is that many x-ray ub and anal graphics get covered by the ui on mobile i know that on other renpy games they sometimes have a button to hide the ui till u click again something like that would allow us to get a good look at the scenes especially the x-ray  ones as all the ones except for the crocs are st least partially blocked by the text boxes and some are completely covered otherwise i think this game is great so far and will be throwing money its way when i next download a update

Thank you for your feedback. Unfortunately, there's not much I can do to optimize the mobile version of the game. It's a direct conversion from the Windows version, so some features may not be perfectly suited for Android ^w^.

I understand that just i have seen other games on this engine have the option to hide the ui on windows and mobile versions as it has seemed to be a feature the renpy ui can have that i think would improve the experience as the ui and characters overlap especially for any who prefer to us there phone. I know the game ravager has the hide button in the same line as the back skip and menu options and until i played a few more renpy games i thought that was standard. I understand it isn't a priority was just a idea i had from previous experience.

Best wishes and thanks for the game so far looking forward to the next release

Thank you ^w^

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Any chance a future update will allow the player to dump Wendy for one of the other girls? Or maybe date multiple girls at once?

There will be a revamp for Wendy based on people’s suggestions in Discord so… yes

Great! How do i suggest content for the game?

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when do you think more updates will come out

I realy love your game it looks very cool and cute :)  <3

Aww, thank you >w<

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